KOMPAS.com- Anda mungkin mengalami kesulitan saat merancang interior rumah, terutama pada sudut ruangan. Kadang-kadang, setelah hati-hati meletakkan semua perabotan, area ini terlihat kurang tepat. Entah karena dekorasi Anda memberi kesan ruang sempit atau malah terlalu kosong.
""Salah satu rahasia besar desain adalah dengan memikirkan sudut ruangan terlebih dahulu,"" kata dekorator Inggris, Nicky Haslam.
Dia mengutip nasihat Tom Parr, mantan ketua perusahaan desain British Colefax and Fowler. Jika tidak memulai dekorasi dari sudut-sudut ruangan, tambah Haslam, daerah ini mungkin berakhir lebih gelap dan terkesan ditinggalkan.
Oleh sebab itu, Anda dapat membangun rumah Anda dengan daya tarik yang sangat modern di bagian pojok ruangan. Tujuannya adalah untuk menciptakan ilusi bahwa sudut ruangan Anda ""merangkul ruangan"". Dengan membuat sudut lebih bulat, seolah-olah tidak ada sudut sama sekali.
KOMPAS.com-you may experience difficulties when designing the interior of the House, especially at the corner of the room. Sometimes, after carefully putting all the furniture, this area looks less precise. Either because your decor gives the impression of a narrow space or too empty."" One of the great secrets of design is to think of a corner of the room beforehand, "said decorator Nicky Haslam, United Kingdom.He quoted advice Tom Parr, the former Chairman of the British design firm Colefax and Fowler. If not start decorating from the corners of the room, add Haslam, this area may end up darker and left impressed.Therefore, you can build your House with a very modern appeal at the corner of the room. The goal is to create the illusion that a corner of your room "" embrace "the room". By creating a more rounded corners, as if there is no angle at all.

KOMPAS.com- you may experience difficulties when designing the interior of the house, especially at the corner of the room. Sometimes, after carefully put all the furniture, this area looks quite right. Whether because of your decor gives the impression of space narrow or too empty. "" One of the great secrets of design is by thinking of the corner first, '"said decorator England, Nicky Haslam. He quoted the advice of Tom Parr, the former head of design company British Colefax and Fowler. If it does not start the decoration of the corners of the room, added Haslam, this area may end up darker and left impressed. Therefore, you can build your home with a very modern appeal in the corner of the room. The goal is to create the illusion that the corner of your room "" embrace "room". By creating a more rounded corner, as if there was no angle at all.