KEDIRI, Ratusan elemen masyarakat membubuhkan tanda tangan sebagai bentuk dukungan agar rumah masa kecil Bung Karno di Desa Pojok, Kecamatan Wates, Kabupaten Kediri, Jawa Timur, ditetapkan sebagai bangunan cagar budaya.
Penggalangan tanda tangan dilakukan usai upacara memperingati Hari Sumpah Pemuda, Selasa (28/10/2014). Tanda tangan dari masyarakat ini dibubuhkan pada selembar kain putih.
Seluruh peserta upacara yang digelar di halaman rumah kuno tempat masa kecil Bung Karno tinggal ini kemudian bergiliran membubuhkan tanda tangan.
Kediri, of community elements appended his signature as a form of support so that the childhood home of Bung Karno Stadium in the village Corner, Wates, Kediri, East Java, was designated as a heritage building.Collecting signatures is performed after a ceremony commemorating the day the Sumpah Pemuda, Tuesday (28/10/2014). The signature of this society affixed on a piece of white cloth.All participants of the ceremony held at the ancient yard where little Bung Karno live then take turns appended his signature.

KEDIRI, Hundreds of community elements affixed their signatures in support of that childhood home in the village of Bung Karno Corner, Wates Subdistrict, Kediri regency, East Java, designated as a heritage building. Raising the signature done after the ceremony to commemorate Youth Pledge Day , Tuesday (10/28/2014). The signature of this society shall be made on a piece of white cloth. All the participants of the ceremony that was held at the home page quaint childhood living Bung Karno then turns his signature.