6. Pembayaran ganti kerugian tanah, tanaman tumbuhan dan atau bangunan翻訳 - 6. Pembayaran ganti kerugian tanah, tanaman tumbuhan dan atau bangunan英語言う方法

6. Pembayaran ganti kerugian tanah,

6. Pembayaran ganti kerugian tanah, tanaman tumbuhan dan atau bangunan yang ada di atasnya, maupun barang-barang lain yang dimiliki pemegang hak atas tanah tidak dibenarkan dilaksanakan melalui perantara dalam bentuk dan nama apapun juga, melainkan harus dilakukan langsung kepada yang berhak / diberi kuasa untuk menerima pembayaran berdasarkan ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku
ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
6. payment of damages the soil, plants and vegetation or buildings thereon, as well as other items belonging to the holders of land rights was not justified was carried out through intermediaries in the form and any name, but must be made directly to the owners/authorized to receive payment based on the provisions of the applicable legislation
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
6 Payment of compensation of land, crops and plants or existing buildings on it, as well as other items owned by holders of land rights is not justified held through an intermediary in the form and any name, but must be made directly to the beneficiary / authorized to receive payment under the provisions of the legislation in force
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