Saya berkarya sudah hampir setengah abad. Tantangan saya adalah masih bisa berkarya atau tidak? Ini tantangan semua seniman, tidak hanya seniman musik, tari, pemahat juga. Kalau tidak bisa berkarya lebih baik pakai sarung saja di rumah hitung nyamuk," ujar Donny Fattah saat ditemui di Rolling Stone Cafe, Jakarta, Rabu (10/06).
I worked already almost half a century. My challenge is still able to work or not? This is the challenge of all artists, not only artists of music, dance, sculptor as well. If not work better wear sarongs only at home count mosquitoes, "said Donny Fattah when found in Rolling Stone Cafe, Jakarta, Wednesday (10/06).
I work almost half a century. My challenge is still able to work or not? It challenges all artists, not only artists of music, dance, sculptors as well. If you can not work better wear gloves at home count the mosquitoes, "said Donny Fattah when met at Rolling Stone Cafe, Jakarta, Wednesday (10/06).