Bekasi-Produk Coca-Cola masih menjadi raja di segmen minuman berkarbonasi di Indonesia. Banyak orang Indonesia yang mengkonsumsi minuman bersoda yang diproduksi di pabrik Cikedokan, Bekasi, Jawa Barat.
DetikFinancemendapatkan kesempatan untuk mengunjungi pabrik Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia, Selasa (31/3/2015). Setelah menghadiri peresmian dua lini produksi baru di pabrik ini. Kemampuan produksi 1 lini mencapai 22.000 botol minuman Coca Cola/jam berukuran 1,5 liter.
Proses produksi minuman berkarbonasi seperti Coca-Cola, Fanta, dan Sprite dimulai dari proses mixing. Mixing dilakukan dengan cara mencampurkan air yang sudah disterilisasi, gula rafinasi, juga konsentrat.
""Airnya harus diproses sesuai standard Coca-Cola,"" kata salah satu pemandu tur di lokasi pabrik.
Bekasi-Coca-Cola Products still become King in the segment of carbonated beverages in Indonesia. Many people who consume carbonated beverages Indonesia produced at the factory Cikedokan, Bekasi, West Java.DetikFinancemendapatkan the opportunity to visit the factory of Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia, Tuesday (31/3/2015). After attending the inauguration of two new production lines at the plant. 1-line production capability reached 22,000 bottles of drink Coca Cola/h 1.5 liter-sized.The process of the production of carbonated beverages like Coca-Cola, Fanta, Sprite and starts the process of mixing. Mixing done by mixing the water already sterilized, refined sugar, as well as concentrate."" The water should be processed according of standard Coca-Cola, "said one of the tour guides at the site of the factory.

Bekasi-Products Coca-Cola is still the king in the carbonated beverage segment in Indonesia. Many people in Indonesia who consume soft drinks manufactured in factories Cikedokan, Bekasi, West Java. DetikFinancemendapatkan opportunity to visit the factory of Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia, Tuesday (31/03/2015). After attending the inauguration of two new production lines at the factory. 1 line production capability reached 22,000 bottles of Coca Cola / h measuring 1.5 liters. The process of production of carbonated beverages such as Coca-Cola, Fanta, and Sprite beginning of the mixing process. Mixing is done by mixing the water that has been sterilized, refined sugar, as well as concentrate. "" The water should be processed according to the standards of Coca-Cola, '' said one of the tour guides at the plant site.