Mal berlantai 4 ini akan diisi oleh sedikitnya 130 tenant yang bervariasi seperti departement store, supermarket, bioskop, hiburan untuk keluarga, food court dan restoran luar ruang, di antaranya Matahari, Pojok Busana, Body Shop, J-Co, Johnny Andrean, Gramedia, Cinema XXI, dan Breadtalk.
This 4-storey Mall will be filled by at least 130 tenant that varies such as department stores, supermarkets, cinemas, entertainment for the family, food court and restaurants outside of space, including the Sun, the corner of clothing, Body Shop, J-Co, Johnny Andrean, Gramedia, Cinema XXI and Breadtalk.

Mal storey 4 will be filled by at least 130 tenants varied as department stores, supermarkets, cinemas, entertainment for families, food court and outdoor restaurant space, including the Sun, Corner Clothing, Body Shop, J-Co, Johnny Andrean, Scholastic, Cinema XXI, and Breadtalk.